Just Stuff

Rants, raves, stupid observations, and the occasional witty comment.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Ed's recent post re: the Patriot Search Engine, while not by itself outlandish, has sparked quite a heated discussion in the comments. As I was reading through said comments, a few thoughts struck me.

1. While I agree that the government is a terrible custodian of public funds, I can't help but feel that it's our own fault. Most people in this country are content to stick their heads in the sand and completely ignore the actions of our government. This doesn't just relate to fiscal status, either. Recently we've seen what should be regarded as huge breaches of protocol regarding the spending of public funds, the right to privacy, our role in world events (war in Iraq, anyone?), and a multitude other things.

2. Our form of government is vastly ineffective, as pointed out in Ed's blog. Government employees are encouraged, nay, rewarded for sloppy management practices. Instead of being promoted for their lack of basic reasoning skills, these people should be banned from public service, as they are performing no such thing.

3. Our government is simply too large, and like any organization, when it gets too big, it fails to have the interest of its customer (or in government's case, its citizens) at heart. The organization becomes so wrapped up with simply keeping the wheels turning that it has lost the reality of its purpose.

And while we're complaining about government, I would like to voice my biggest complaint about tax season. Why is that I pay $12,000 a year in federal taxes, just to see it go to families with too many children and no means to support them, and have it be referred to as a "tax refund"? In many cases, these people are getting BACK more taxes than they PAID. I agree with Ed - lets call it what it is: welfare. I hate feeling robbed by the people who are purported to serve me.


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