Just Stuff

Rants, raves, stupid observations, and the occasional witty comment.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Doctor Fiasco

Last night, Ed had a rather unpleasant experience, which has prompted me to push for a doctor's visit. I won't outline every single sentence of the heated exchange; however, I will arrange my thoughts into a tidy little bullet list, so as to use them for ammunition in the next great Doctor-debate.
  • Ed vomited blood. Doesn't matter who you are, that's never good.
  • While Ed has an unusually touchy stomach, I have never seen stuff that should stay on the inside being heaved into the toilet.
  • Ed has an overwhelming—and completely irrational—fear of doctors. It's true that I'm not fond of them, but mostly because going is an inconvenience, and I feel like they're trying to rip me off, but that's another blog post.
  • We're not poor, and we have insurance that's actually really, really good.

So here's my issue: given all of those things, it seems like he should just suck it up and go to the doctor. What if this is something serious? It would be absolutely terrible to have something happen to him because he was pigheaded, especially when peace of mind (or a fix to a larger problem) will cost him $20 and an hour of his time, don't you think?


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