Just Stuff

Rants, raves, stupid observations, and the occasional witty comment.

Monday, April 24, 2006

An Ode To Dell

My cd-rom drive doesn't work;
it simply won't read discs.
I called to see if you could give
the steps to get it fixed.

"Have you rebooted since this occurred?"
you ask time and time again.
"Yes I have" I always state
although it never quite sinks in.

"It must be something you installed"
(this statement seems knee-jerk)
But I haven't installed anything
because the cd-rom won't work!

I tell you all the things I've done
to make this thing work since it shipped.
You have me repeat them anyway
because you're reading from a script.

You finally concede my points
and claim the drive is dead.
You say you'll send a replacement drive
but tell me my warranty is expired, instead.

So here I sit, forlorn and lost,
a techie without a cd-rom.
I'll pick one up at Circuit City
and replenish my aplomb.


At 4:10 PM, Blogger Chantay said...

Yeah, they're jerks. What can I say? :-)


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