Creepiest. Bug. Ever.
This creepy looking thing is a house centipede, and last night we found one at the bottom of our 15 gallon fishtank. We didn't know what it was, though, so there was some speculation as to how it got into the fishtank. Had there been an egg in with the last batch of feeder fish we purchased? No, the egg would have been huge (the centipede we found at the bottom of the tank had a 2 inch body, and probably spanned 5 inches from tip to tip including antenae), and we certainly would have noticed it.
We came to the conclusion that it had snuck in during this last week. We've had the doors open, enjoying the warm weather, and he must have decided that our house was a great place to shack up.
We did some looking around online and found some information about house centipedes (including what they're called!). They aren't aggressive, and they actually eat smaller arthopods like spiders. I'm kind of sad the poor little guy drowned to death. Still, I wouldn't want to find one in my bed!
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