Just Stuff

Rants, raves, stupid observations, and the occasional witty comment.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Uber Lame

I just got slammed in my step-daughters blog for not finishing a shopping list & menu application I've been talking about. Totally weak. Just to clear my good name, I'm going to devote the next week to getting that damn program done (or, at the very least, started). I already have a few home projects I'm working on (one of which is a nifty backup service that will do incremental backups between two specified locations).

I have been giving this food calendar management thingy some thought, so I think I already have a good approach, but what should I call this app? I want to have a catchy name. You can't become a millionaire unless your product has a cool name. If it's going to be marketed towards women, we should call it the "Super Fast Ultra Hunk-Catching Wrinkle-Reducing Food Management and Youthening System". If the ad campaigns are directed at men, we should call it the "Super Fast Mega Penis-Enlarging Porn Download-Enhancing Food Management and Hot-Chick Attraction Tool". Aren't those cool names?

I'm gonna be rich...


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Chantay said...

Okay. We can call it the "Super Fast Acne-Fighting Good-Grade Getting Food Management and Drivers License Test-Acing Product". Does that satisfy you, you young whipper snapper?

At 6:45 AM, Blogger Chantay said...

The number of recipes will only be limited by the amount of disk space available for the database, so in our case, we'll probably max out at 5 GB or so. That's a lot of recipes.

As far as when you'll be able to buy this - I don't know that it will ever be commercially available. However, I will have our home version finished (hopefully) in a few weeks.


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