Just Stuff

Rants, raves, stupid observations, and the occasional witty comment.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005



So, Ed and I beat Halo on Heroic. We've been tackling the Legendary, and I've gotta say, I'm not as good as I thought I was. Still, it's a good way to fine tune playing abilities.

In our search for games with good cooperative, split-screen (or system link) campaigns, we ran across Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Brute Force.

Castle is alright--in-game graphics are a little weak, so it doesn't have a very natural feel to it. The one thing it DOES have that I've found myself enjoying immensly is the stabbing. Sounds morbid, I know, but I love it. You weild a knife and can squeeze the trigger to stab someone, and if you hold down the trigger, the guy goes stab-stab-stab really fast. It's great for breaking open boxes and stuff, plus the noise is really funny: whoosh, whoosh, whoosh (at about 5 stabs a second).

Brute is good; I like being able to switch characters. Sometimes, you want Hawk for her "cloaking" abilities. Sometimes you want Tex for his awesome Berserker mode (grab two guns and go to town!). It's an older game, so again, the game play is a little cheesy, but the campaign is fun, and at $5 a copy, we can each load up our own XBox to play system-link without getting a loan.

I'm always looking for recommendations on games with great two-player cooperative campaigns. I like first-person shooters and strategy games (just like the games mentioned here). RPG's are alright, as long as they're not too weird - loved Parasite Eve. We have multiple computers, two XBoxes, a PS2, a PS1, a Dreamcast, a SNES, and two Game Boy Advances with the link cable. If you know of a game that works on any of these systems that you think I'd like, please comment.


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